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December 2016 CIPLA Meeting

  • December 01, 2016
  • 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center 127 Public Square Cleveland, Ohio 44114


Registration is closed


Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center

127 Public Square

Cleveland, Ohio 44114



CLE Meetings (4:30–5:30 p.m., CLE accreditation will be applied for):

Patent Committee (1.00 hr CLE credit)

"Competitive Patent Analysis and Business Intelligence - Best Practices in Today's Legal Climate." Panel format with representatives from corporations and private practice identify ways to compile and analyze competitive patent portfolios in a way that best provides information to your business while conforming to today's legal standards.  Panelists: 
Rinda Vas – Asst. General Counsel, American Greetings Corp. 
Kevin Dunn – Chief Counsel, Intellectual Property, Lincoln Electric Co. 
Michael Prewitt – Counsel – R&D / IP, Nestle USA 
Atossa Alavi – In House Counsel, AlphaMicron Inc. 
David Cupar – Chair, IP Department, McDonald Hopkins LLC 
Copyright Committee (1.00 hr CLE credit)
"The United States, in copyright, is a Pirate Nation, Not a Good Guy. Will SCOTUS fill the gap?" The United States currently has a huge gap in its copyright and trade dress/trademark protection and has enabled widespread, super fast copying with virtual impunity in the USA.  Presented by Harley Lewin (of McCarter & English in Boston), who has represented clients in the fashion and garment industries and is regularly featured on Good Morning America, CNBC, CBS 60 Minutes, MSNBC and CNN International. 

Cocktail Reception (5:30–6:15 p.m., open bar)   

Dinner (6:15–7:30 p.m., please see attached .pdf with entree descriptions):

"The 'Blurred Lines' Legal Battle Explained by the Players Themselves."
The composers of the hit song “Blurred Lines” (Robin Thicke, Pharell Williams and T.I.) commenced a lawsuit against Marvin Gaye’s family (as owners of Gaye’s “Got to Give It Up”).
Attorneys from both sides of the case including the legal expert (musicologist Judith Finell from New York) will present with media lawyer and American Music Award winner, Mark Avsec, as moderator.


Members:  Dinner – $30; CLE –Free

Non-Members:  Dinner – $40;CLE – $40

Student Members:  Dinner –$15; CLE – Free



Any cancellations must be received by 5:00 p.m. on November 28, 2016.  Please email with any cancellation—no fax or telephone cancellations will be honored.


Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be held from 4:30–7:30 p.m. on February 9, 2017.  Please plan to attend!



PiVerse is sponsoring, in part, the December Meeting.  Piverse provides customized, high quality and cost effective Intellectual Property supports services around the globe.  Additional information is available from Ariana Fleishman, Client Partner (, (301) 646-0755).   

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