Please join us on Wednesday, November 8th for the November CIPLA meeting co-hosted by The University of Akron IP & Technology Law Center!
The University of Akron
Jean Hower Taber Student Union
3rd Floor Ballroom and Atrium/Lobby
303 Carroll Street
Akron, OH 44325
**note the change of venue at the University from last year**
Parking information will be provided soon. Directions and passes will be provided to each registered attendee in advance.
CLE Program (4:30–5:30 p.m., 1.00 hr CLE credit will be applied for)
Ethical Considerations of Using Generative AI in Your Practice
Presenters from the University of Akron: Kerry Lohmeier, Associate Dean of Law Library; Sarah Starnes, Assistant Professor, Law Library; and Sean Steward, Assistant Professor
As we continue to learn more about generative AI and its possibilities, it's imperative to recognize the disruption it may cause. Experts have concluded that legal practice is one of the industries that will be most affected by generative AI. As legal professionals, it is crucial that we stay informed and educated on this revolutionary technology. This presentation will focus on demystifying generative AI, exploring its benefits and risks, and providing legal professionals with the knowledge they need to ethically use this technology to their advantage.
Cocktail Reception (5:30–6:15 p.m.)
Dinner (6:15–7:30 p.m., 1.00 hr CLE credit will be applied for)
The Realm of Achievable: The Role of Politics and Policy in Shaping Intellectual Property Law
Presenter: Brad Watts, Vice President, Patents and Innovation Policy, Global Innovation Policy Center (GIPC), U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Recognizing the intersection of politics and policy is critical to understanding how Congress makes intellectual property law. Oftentimes, what may be the best “black letter” version of the law isn’t the one that is enacted. Instead, like any consensus-oriented institution, Congress often has to consider how to balance good policy, good politics, and good law, and pick the “best” approach that is both feasible and achievable. This discussion will cover how Members of Congress and their staff think about intellectual property, provide an in depth overview of exactly how good law is made, and explain steps that groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Innovation Policy Center are taking to reset the narrative around intellectual property rights to ensure lawmakers enact policies which will unleash a new American century of innovation and creativity.
As Vice President, Brad works with U.S. Chamber members to foster a political, legal, and economic environment where innovators and creators can invest in the next big thing for the benefit of Americans and the world. He previously served as the Republican Chief Counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Intellectual Property. In the 116th Congress, Brad served as Majority Chief Counsel and Staff Director for the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Intellectual Property. Under Mr. Watts' leadership, the Subcommittee passed the CASE Act, the Trademark Modernization Act, and the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act, three landmark bills that collectively represent the largest changes to intellectual property law since the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act.

Dinner Entrée Options:
• Beef short rib with fingerling potatoes and Italian green beans
• Cherry smoked salmon with fingerling potatoes and Italian green beans
• Vegan quinoa stuffed yellow pepper in simple tomato sauce
Registration Fees:
Members: $35 for Dinner and CLE; $30 for In-House Members; Free for just CLE
Non-Members: $45 for just Dinner; $45 for just CLE; $90 for Dinner and CLE
Student Members: Free
**Registration closes at 5 PM on Wednesday, November 1, 2023**